Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Blog# 10- Reconstruction
Today, as a result of extensive new research and profound changes in American race relations, historians view Reconstruction far more favorably, as a time of genuine progress for former slaves and the South as a whole.
For all Americans, Reconstruction was a time of fundamental social, economic, and political change. The overthrow of Reconstruction left to future generations the troublesome problem of racial justice.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Blog # 9- Media Saves The Beach in the News
“The City of San Diego is a net importer of water and as such continues to rely on MWD for a significant portion of its water supply. Any increase in costs at MWD translates into an increase in water rates for San Diegans,” Sanders wrote.
This is important because it gives information on what is the current state of San Diego counties beaches.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Blog # 8- Media Saves the Beach Ideas
I am very interested in what happens to the pollution and how it actually affects the ocean and the environment around it. Last year we did a project about sewer science and that seemed really interested and I would like to know more about that topic. I am really excited for the water testing portion of this project because we get to go outside and go to the beach! I am also looking forward to making a video or some type of media project.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Final Product

It all started on April 20, 2008. I was seated in the eighth row in the Sports Arena and the place was packed. I felt like a sardine. I felt the bass pump through my legs. At that moment I had felt the whole arena shake and the intensity heightened. They then played their first song, and I was blown away by their beats. When I scanned around the stage I immediately recognized a likeness of myself on stage playing the keyboard. It was Chad Hugo playing that microkorg synth doing what he loves. The glow in the dark tour sparked my inspiration to make music. If you were to ask anyone that knows me and they’ll tell you that I want to be a rapper. I don’t think that I would be capable of handling that spotlight, so my dream is to be a successful music producer.
I’ve always loved music ever since I was two years old. The first I remember hearing was “You are Not Alone” by Michael Jackson. In my household I’ve been exposed to eighties music, from Earth, Wind, and Fire to Air Supply, and somehow ever since the third grade I’ve leaned towards the hip-hop genre. I’m eight years into listening to hip-hop and I’m still looking for that perfect beat. In the past two years I have gotten into producing music and making beats.
I have never wanted the spotlight on myself. I wanted to be behind the scenes, and do what I love to do. If I have a passion for something I should stick to it, and that’s what Chad did. He partnered up with his friend and now production partner Pharrell. They started out as a high school band. They started with a small Casio sampler, a drum machine, and they created a certain chemistry that made such innovative beats. Chad never wanted to make money; he just wanted to make people dance. He once stated,” That’s the most important thing. If you want your music to be felt by a lot of people, then you must find out what kind of music was felt before in the history of music. If you study and understand the history, you will find a way to make music for the future.” I was very inspired when I read this quote and it made me think twice about my true purpose to making music. Chad was very inspired by old school hip hop, specifically Marley Marl. Marley Marl pioneered sampling in hip hop. He was the first to sample a break beat and reprogram it. Chad Hugo embodied the meaning of “true music.” He was one half of a driving force and pioneer of alternative hip hop. His accomplishments opened the door to new artists with the same sound like: Kid Cudi, Lupe Fiasco, and The Cool Kids. Without his contributions the state of hip hop would not be the same.
I love the way Chad Hugo doesn’t mind taking backset to his partner Pharrell Williams, and he deserves so much credit and his contribution to the hip hop game. His friend stated that “I think that Chad could be as great a front man as anybody else but he’s really focused on being the producer.” It shows that Chad is a humble character and is focused on his producing and the development of music. Chad is committed to being apart of the team. Like me, I really want to do what I love in life. My family always reminded me to stay humble, and use the talents that God gave you. Knowing that the possibility of me hitting the big time is unlikely, doing what I love will ultimately keep me happy in life. I’m going to accomplish similar steps to achieve his greatness. Hoping to inspirer others and the younger generation to appreciate the gift of music. I realize that I might not become famous but I want to use the selfless values and will be an icon to someone in the next generation.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Blog #7- American Icon Reflection
2. Identify and describe (at least) one specific writing technique that you used. How did you use it? What effect did it have on your writing?
3. If you had time for one more draft, what would you do?
4. Copy one sentence that you believe is well-written and/or important to your overall piece. What makes it stand out to you?
1. What I discovered about my writing is that I tend to be repetitive with my writing. I fixed that in my second draft. I also realized that I write a lot of run-on sentences. I can fix that by making shorter sentences and making my meaning earlier in the paragraph. I should also write an outline for my writing because most of the time.
2. One writing technique that I used was the avoid -ing's. I hit ctrl f and fixed all the highlighted ing's and used more powerful verbs. Another technique I tried to incorporate the concerts, not pancakes! I used that technique occasionally in my writing and I put the strongest words in the beginning and the end, while I put the weaker words in the middle.
3. If I had more time for one more draft I would probably connect myself more to my icon. Because I read over it again I thought to myself that I should probably go deeper into my explanation. But since we were limited to only one page I would have to write less words but still make my meaning clear.
4. I realize that I might not become famous but I want to use the selfless values and will be an icon to someone in the next generation. This sentence basically summarizes the whole writing and it expresses the main points that I'm trying to point out.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Optional Assignment
2. What were the Federalist Papers? Who wrote them & what did they say?
3. Name three philosophers that were icons to the original founders of the US. What ideas were these philosophers famous for?
1. This famous phrase was based on philosopher John Locke's writings. The original meaning of this phrase was "no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions."
2.The Federalist Papers were a series of 85 articles and it served as a primary source for the Constitution. It was the philosophy of a proposed government system for the United States. Alexander Hamilton wrote the majority of the papers, and it covered six topics.
3. John Locke was the main influence for the founding fathers. His ideas of "tabula rasa" which means a government with the consent of the governed. He also had a major influence on political philosophy and rights of life. Karl Marx wrote the communist manifesto and introduced the idea of having a communist like government. Voltaire contributed the idea of free trade and freedom of religion which these ideas formed American and made it what it is today.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Blog #5- Artist Statement
First Draft.
It all started on April 20, 2008. I was seated in the eighth row in the Sports Arena and the place was packed. I felt like a sardine. I felt the bass pumping through my legs. At that moment I had felt the whole arena shake and the intensity heightened. They then played their first song, and I was blown away by their beats. When I scanned around the stage I immediately recognized a likeness of myself on stage playing the keyboard. It was Chad Hugo playing that microkorg synth doing what he loves. The glow in the dark tour sparked my inspiration to make music. If you were to ask anyone that knows me and they’ll tell you that I want to be a rapper. I don’t think that I would be capable of handling that spotlight, so my dream is to be a successful music producer.
I’ve always loved music ever since I was two years old. The first I remember hearing was “You are Not Alone” by Michael Jackson. In my household I’ve been exposed to eighties music, from Earth, Wind, and Fire to Air Supply, and somehow ever since the third grade I’ve leaned towards the hip-hop genre. I’m eight years into listening to hip-hop and I’m still looking for that perfect beat. In the past two years I have gotten into producing music and making beats. I have a passion for hip.I have never wanted the spotlight on myself. I wanted to be behind the scenes , and do what I love to do. If I have a passion for something I should stick to it, and that’s what
He was one half of a driving force and pioneer of alternative hip hop. I’m going to accomplish similar steps to achieve his greatness. Hoping to inspirer others and the younger generation to appreciate the gift of music.
Second Draft (Peer Critique)
It all started on April 20, 2008. I was seated in the eighth row in the Sports Arena and the place was packed. I felt like a sardine. I felt the bass pumping through my legs. At that moment I had felt the whole arena shake and the intensity heightened. They then played their first song, and I was blown away by their beats. When I scanned around the stage I immediately recognized a likeness of myself on stage playing the keyboard. It was Chad Hugo playing that microkorg synth doing what he loves. The glow in the dark tour sparked my inspiration to make music. If you were to ask anyone that knows me and they’ll tell you that I want to be a rapper. I don’t think that I would be capable of handling that spotlight, so my dream is to be a successful music producer.
I’ve always loved music ever since I was two years old. The first I remember hearing was “You are Not Alone” by Michael Jackson. In my household I’ve been exposed to eighties music, from Earth, Wind, and Fire to Air Supply, and somehow ever since the third grade I’ve leaned towards the hip-hop genre. I’m eight years into listening to hip-hop and I’m still looking for that perfect beat. In the past two years I have gotten into producing music and making beats. I have a passion for hip
I have never wanted the spotlight on myself. I wanted to be behind the scenes , and do what I love to do. If I have a passion for something I should stick to it, and that’s what
Chad Hugo embodied the meaning of “true music.” He was one half of a driving force and pioneer of alternative hip hop. His accomplishments opened the door to new artists with the same sound like: Kid Cudi, Lupe Fiasco, and The Cool Kids. Without his contributions the state of hip hop would not be the same. I love the way Chad Hugo doesn’t mind taking backset to his partner Pharrell Williams, and he deserves so much credit and his contribution to the hip hop game. I’m going to accomplish similar steps to achieve his greatness. Hoping to inspirer others and the younger generation to appreciate the gift of music.
Third Draft (Corrected by a Teacher)
It all started on April 20, 2008. I was seated in the eighth row in the Sports Arena and the place was packed. I felt like a sardine. I felt the bass pumping through my legs. At that moment I had felt the whole arena shake and the intensity heightened. They then played their first song, and I was blown away by their beats. When I scanned around the stage I immediately recognized a likeness of myself on stage playing the keyboard. It was Chad Hugo playing that microkorg synth doing what he loves. The glow in the dark tour sparked my inspiration to make music. If you were to ask anyone that knows me and they’ll tell you that I want to be a rapper. I don’t think that I would be capable of handling that spotlight, so my dream is to be a successful music producer.
I’ve always loved music ever since I was two years old. The first I remember hearing was “You are Not Alone” by Michael Jackson. In my household I’ve been exposed to eighties music, from Earth, Wind, and Fire to Air Supply, and somehow ever since the third grade I’ve leaned towards the hip-hop genre. I’m eight years into listening to hip-hop and I’m still looking for that perfect beat. In the past two years I have gotten into producing music and making beats. I have a passion for hip
I have never wanted the spotlight on myself. I wanted to be behind the scenes , and do what I love to do. If I have a passion for something I should stick to it, and that’s what
I love the way Chad Hugo doesn’t mind taking backset to his partner Pharrell Williams, and he deserves so much credit and his contribution to the hip hop game. His friend stated that “I think that
Like me, I really want to do what I love in life. My family always reminded me to stay humble, and use the talents that God gave you. Knowing that the possibility of me hitting the big time is unlikely, doing what I love will ultimately keep me happy in life. I’m going to accomplish similar steps to achieve his greatness. Hoping to inspirer others and the younger generation to appreciate the gift of music. I realize that I might not become famous but I want to use the selfless values and will be an icon to someone in the next generation
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Blog# 4- Photo Technique

In my picture I would need to work on my background since that is going to be behind me
Posed portraits
I would need this because I would need to posing for a picture I would like to do it

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Blog# 3- American Icons Resources
Song, Provider:
Chad Hugo produced this song and played the guitar in the beat. This song was the third single from their first album"In Search Of...". This was the big jump into the mainstream, since the past years they've been producing other famous artists music.
The website is Chad Hugo's production duo "The Neptunes" fan website. It contains information on what is going on with The Neptunes and latest news on Chad Hugo.
This website is Chad's blog and I could use this in my written piece to discuss what he does on a daily basis.
Chad Hugo produced the song in the video without his partner Pharrell, he actually does a lot of projects without Pharrell and the song "Lock It Up" and the video was featured in the MLB All- Star Game.
Movie: "Two Turntables and a Microphone"
This documentary was about the life and death of the legendary Run D.M.C. It contains interviews with his family and friends. It just shows how his DJ-ing impacted the world of music, and the highlights of his life. I could use this to get an inside look in his life and just how legendary he actually he is.
Book: Jam Master Jay: The Heart of Hip-Hop
This book is a detailed account of one of the best Dj's ever. It also provides information on why he's one of the most influential people in Hip-Hop and has pictures, magazine cover, and memorabilia. I could use this to provide evidence for my artist statement.

This was the album that put RZA and the Wu-tang clan on the map. The raw, gritty beats and hardcore lyrics helped put the east coast back on the map. The album, which only cost $36K to produce, eventually went platinum, and was heralded by hip-hop fans as a classic. Among these contributions have been RZA's sampling style, certain Clan members' mafioso rap personas, usage of slang terms, and the tendency of artists to run in tightly-knit groups. I could use this in my writing by using the quotes and lyrics in the music to see what they rap about and how they wanna address certain issues.

For my black and white photo portion of the project, I would like to use a likeness of this picture. I would also like to add a sampler synth in the background because that is his main instrument.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Blog #2

Chad Hugo was an icon that represented me because he is a successful music producer, and I am an aspiring hip hop producer. One song that Chad produced which stood out to me the most was the song "Lap dance" when I heard that first guitar riff I knew that this was one of the best beats I've heard. When I saw him perform with his band N.E.R.D. and Kanye West in the Glow in The Dark tour, I immediately recognized a likeness of myself on stage playing the keyboard. Chad Hugo inspires me and gives me reason that I can achieve my dreams and goals in life. He also established his own record company "Star track Entertainment". Chad is pretty much just like me, he likes to take the backseat to Pharrell and is more interested in the joy of making the music, instead of all the money and fame. Along with his partner Pharrell, he produced numerous number one hits. In a span of 15yrs Chad has shown his longevity and his composure by not being affected with his fame and fortune.

Robert Fitzgerald Diggs better known as RZA from the Wu-Tang Clan. The first album I've ever bought was "Enter The Wu-Tang(36 chambers)" when I was just 5yrs. RZA's beats has influenced me so much that I started beat-boxing at such a young age. He was an inspiration to me because in my household I've always been exposed to lots of 80's music and when I first heard his style of music it was really different to me but the sound just appealed to immediately. I've bought wu-tang shirts, most of their albums, and I've supported the individual artist when they branched out of wu-tang. He has been praised as one of the best hip hop producers in the game. He also wrote two books about his enlightenment. His main interest was always watching martial arts films. He also written, produced, directed, and stared in his own martial arts film.