Modern America
I was writing up my blog post for my humanities about the reconstruction. I was listening to music while work and I came across a lyric that ironically happened to relate to the subject I’m researching. ”Does it pay to be deaf, dumb and blind? From a slave we was kept from the mind” .Out of that song these words are engraved on my mind, and thats a hard thing to do! Here the rapper says that as slaves, black people were kept from the mind. So now that they’re so called ‘free’ why not pick up all the knowledge you can. I think this applies to anyone who gets a second chance, or something amazing that ancestors didn’t get to do.
Gone are the days of the Enlightenment and Industrial eras. The modern era has come under our noses and has entered our lives impacting the way we live our lives. Today’s modern American came through a long way. It took plenty of trail and error to come to the America we know today. More civil rights organizations came into being, major court battles were won, and a period of peaceful protests as well as civic unrest led to the enactment of historic new civil rights laws. The idea that the civil war is the beginning of “modern” America is worthwhile because there is still the KKK and various hate groups going on. On the other hand America seen plenty of great leaders, technological advances, and more open to cultural diversity.
Overall Modern America seems like the best choice for Americans because of the various advancements and that the people are pretty happy with the type of government we have but they can still be improved. The current issues Americas facing is the lack of health care in America. Another issue is the deep recession, racism, job loss, and retirement savings loss; there is still time to improve the countries condition.
Modern America started around 1914 and it brought many great changes to America. The leaders of America have accomplished a lot and have contributed various ideas and new laws that shaped America as we all know.
The theme of the past thirty years has been change, like change in technology, economy, issues, and women. The modern era has brought a new perspective on the country of America. Many gains in civil rights by African Americans made since 1945 have occurred as a result of efforts by strong civil rights organizations. Numerous cities and towns remained unaffected by the civil rights movement. African American leaders therefore felt the United States needed a clear, strong federal policy that would erase all remaining discrimination in public places. A high point of the March on Washington was a stirring speech by King. King told the crowd that he had a dream that one day all Americans would enjoy equality and justice.
America had seen plenty of great leaders such as JFK, Franklin, and Theodore Roosevelt. Those leaders had dealt with immense pressure to protect the interests of their people and the ideals of America, such as war, depression, and the vast threat of growing communism in the country. First, many African Americans had served with honor in the war. Black leaders pointed to the records of these veterans to show the injustice of racial discrimination against patriots. Second, African Americans in the urban North had made economic gains, increased their education, and registered to vote. Communism itself was not seen as a threat to democracy. Communist dictators who promoted a perverted and corrupted form of the ideology were. Communism is not the antithesis of democracy, but it cannot coexist with capitalism. The perceived threat to democracy was that capitalism would fall to communism and that democracies would come under the rule of authoritarian oppression. Leaders such as Vladimir Lenin were very influential when it came to the communist ideas that surfaced to America.
Technology went hand in hand with modern America and people made overwhelming technological advancements. When the first radio broadcasted, America then thrived on technology to learn and grow. Modern history is changing decade after decade and the rapid growth of the country seem overwhelming for some because of they need to get used to the present first. Then the technology keeps advancing and people need to get with the current state of the country. The microeconomic picture of the U.S. has changed immensely since 1973, and the trends are proving to be consistently downward for the nation's high school graduates and high school drop-outs.
America’s technology has surpassed other countries in the 1920’s. The other countries tried to surpass America’s power. Countries like Russia, China, and Germany tried to use their power and research to find the latest technologic advances. Advance of technology is a good trend for our society; however, it must be in conjunction with advance in education so that society is able to master and understand technology.
The theme of the past thirty years has been change, like change in technology, economy, issues, and women. The modern era has brought a new perspective on the country of America. Many gains in civil rights by African Americans made since 1945 have occurred as a result of efforts by strong civil rights organizations. Numerous cities and towns remained unaffected by the civil rights movement. African American leaders therefore felt the United States needed a clear, strong federal policy that would erase all remaining discrimination in public places. A high point of the March on Washington was a stirring speech by King. King told the crowd that he had a dream that one day all Americans would enjoy equality and justice.
Today’s modern American came through a long way. It took plenty of trail and error to come to the America we know today. More civil rights organizations came into being, major court battles were won, and a period of peaceful protests as well as civic unrest led to the enactment of historic new civil rights laws.
After listening to such inspiring lyrics, I kind of didn't understand what slaves were going through and the hardship they had overcome. They really needed some uplifting spirts and go out into the world as newly "freed men".
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